
Monday, August 17, 2009

Ever wanted to make that romantic date or evening even better?

Well you could try something like the “Love Clock & Quotes” app from ADS Software Group, Inc. – if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch of course!
Let it remind you of someone you love and someone who loves you!
And let you learn what great people thought about love as many love quotes have been [...]
Posted Ever wanted to make that romantic date or evening even better? on


Throughout history happiness has been a central and controversial topic, as it embraces our entire being that forever aspires to it in numerous and often contradictory ways.
Happiness is a product of positive thinking and positive …
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Why You Should Include Fasting in Your Muscle Building Program?

There’s a growing body of evidence and sentiment that promotes the use of intermittent fasting in conjunction with any exercise and fitness program you may have embarked upon। This is no accident. Fasting has long been shown to deliver benefits that can’t be achieved through other means, and it would be a mistake to discount [...]Why You Should Include Fasting in Your Muscle Building Program? on

Why Should You Include Fasting In Your Lifestyle?

There are many reasons why you should include fasting as a part of your everyday lifestyle, many of which have nothing to do with diet। Fasting as a concept has been around as long as the hills, though it has been taken to extremes at times and made to look like a less than viable [...] Why Should You Include Fasting In Your Lifestyle? on

She Says Walk It Out for the Wii coming out & Official Trailer

Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Platform: Wii
Category: Simulation
Release Date: September 15, 2009

Experience a revolutionary and unique workout where walking to the beat of 120 music track great music unlocks an exciting in-game world. Keep movin’ to the beat of all your favorite in-game tracks as you extend your workout in bonus minigames. Compatible with [...]

She Says Walk It Out for the Wii coming out & Official Trailer on